Vortex Energy Podcast

The Bowen Breakthrough: Unraveling the Mystery of Gentle Healing



Who is Jak Isaksen ? For decades, Jak has been working in the health and community services sector Australia wide, promoting health and well-being on many levels. Her diverse professional background and working experience has included nursing, case management and care co-ordination in aged care and disabilities ( urban and remotecommunities), practitioner in Bowen, Remedial Massage and Lymphoedema Therapy (ATMS & ALA accredited). Over the past 8-9 years Jak has been based at St Marys Community Health Centre practicing Bowen Therapy and Lymphatic management. How to reach Jak? Send her an email at jakintaz@gmail.com or text to: 00438.297.723 Summary Holistic wellness and energy with a healthcare professional.0:00 Jack Isaacson, a practitioner in Bowen therapy and lymphatic management, discusses the differences between Bowen therapy and traditional remedial massage. Bowen therapy and fascia with a holistic practitioner.1:37 Speaker 2 explains differences between bone therapy and remedial massage, highlightin