Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

How to Make a Well-Organized Podcast Even Better with Elizabeth Sherman



How can the Profitable Podcaster Mastermind help you if you already have a good process in place for your show?Elizabeth Sherman has been podcasting for about three years. She’s a pretty organized, process-driven person who works ahead of schedule and with someone she trusts. Still, she felt the need for more support and a strategic approach to her show, particularly with a rebranding on the horizon.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll hear about how our work together through the ProfitablePodcaster Mastermind has moved Elizabeth from reactively releasing episodes to proactively using her show as an asset and how her perspective on her podcast has changed. You’ll also discover the secret to batching episodes without frying your brain and exhausting your energy.3:22 - Elizabeth discusses her podcast rebrand and her struggle with changing the name6:46 - Fun fact about why diets don’t work for midlife women8:55 - How the mastermind helped Elizabeth be more proactive with using her podcast as an