Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

Protein Masterclass | Amount, distribution, muscle growth and longevity



Episode #290. Understand the essentials of protein with this masterclass, featuring insights from experts including Don Layman, Christopher Gardner, Stuart Phillips, Valter Longo, Mark Messina, and Fritz Horstmann. Discover the answers to all the big protein questions: are you getting enough protein? How does protein actually impact muscle and longevity? Are there differences between plant-based and animal protein? This episode is packed with expert insights to guide you towards a more informed and effective approach to protein consumption. We cover: Intro (00:00) Longevity vs Vitality: Understanding Our Focus (01:57) What Exactly is Muscle Protein Synthesis? (07:01) The Impact of Different Proteins on Muscle Synthesis (11:51) Recommended Protein Intake for Adults Explained (13:45) Comparing Protein Needs: Women vs Men (14:45) The Importance of Protein Distribution in Diet (16:04) What is the Maximum Protein Threshold? (19:33) Evaluating the RDA: Is It Adequate for Protein Needs? (23:16) Stuart Phi