Gary Ryan Moving Beyond Being Good®

Troy Mansell explains how well-being is great for business



SummaryIn this episode, Gary Ryan interviews Troy Mansell, co-founder of Benny Button, about the importance of investing in well-being in the workplace. Troy shares his experience of leading teams through challenging times and the positive outcomes that came from prioritizing employee well-being. He also discusses the transition from corporate to starting Benny Button and the significance of playfulness in the workplace. Troy emphasizes the importance of taking charge of one's energy and shares practical mindfulness techniques. He also highlights the value of listening, asking good questions, and having regular check-ins to support employee well-being. Learn more about Benny Button here. Connect with Gary Ryan on LinkedIn here. Watch the episode on YouTube here.Learn more about Yes For Success: How to Achieve Life Harmony and Fulfillment here.  If you would like support in creating a high-performance culture based on treating people as human beings, please click here to contact Gary Ryan