Spacetime With Stuart Gary

74: Schiaparelli Mars lander lost on its final decent



Stream episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly). *Europe’s Schiaparelli Mars lander lost on its final decent to the red planet’s surface. Mission managers at the European space Agency are still struggling to re-establish contact with its Schiaparelli Mars lander. The 577 kilogram spacecraft lost contact with ESA mission control in Darmstadt Germany during its six minute journey to the surface of the red planet. *Juno spacecraft suddenly enters emergency safe mode NASA’s Juno spacecraft which is exploring Jupiter suddenly entered safe mode on Tuesday. Early indications are a software performance monitor induced a reboot of the spacecraft’s on board computer. The operation prevented the probe’s science instruments from working during the Jovian flyby. *More evidence for a ninth planet on the edge of our solar system The yet to be discovered Planet Nine -- which may lurk beyond Neptune on the dark outer rim of our solar system – could explain the mysterious