Spacetime With Stuart Gary

70: A new test for cosmological inflation



Stream episodes from or (both mobile friendly). *A new test for cosmological inflation When the universe burst into existence in the big bang 13.8 billion years ago – something must have happened during the first nanoseconds that caused it to suddenly expand from a singularity of infinite density and virtually zero dimensions in to the universe we see today. Scientists call this mysterious event cosmological inflation -- the problem is they have no real idea what it actually is – and what physical mechanisms drove it. *More mystery surrounding an already strange star Last month we reported how astronomers think they may finally have solved the mystery surrounding a weird erratically flickering and dimming star -- whose strange behaviour -- sparked speculation that it could have been our first sign of an advanced alien civilization. However, a new study has reopened the mystery. *Saturn’s moon Dione has a subsurface ocean New data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft ha