Spacetime With Stuart Gary

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 19 Episode 61 - OSIRIS-REx Is Go!



Stream episodes from or (mobile friendly) Hi every one...Stuart here with the show notes for episode 61....and don't forget you can see enhanced show notes including pictures to accompany this episode at *All system’s go for NASA’s mission to a potentially deadly asteroid The final countdown is underway for tomorrow’s launch of NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft on a seven year journey to visit the potentially deadly Near Earth Asteroid Bennu. The half kilometre wide space rock has a 1 in 2500 chance of impacting the Earth in the 22nd century *Has the alien megastructure star mystery been solved? Astronomers think they may finally have solved the mystery surrounding a weird erratically flickering and dimming star -- whose strange behaviour -- sparked speculation that it could have been our first sign of an advanced alien civilization. Astronomers now think that what they’re actually seeing is a new stage of stellar evolution i