Spacetime With Stuart Gary

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 19 Episode 59 - Dark matter galaxy discovered



Stream this and previous episodes on demand from or (both sites mobile friendly) Hi everyone...Stuart with the Show Notes for Series 19 Episode 59: *Dark matter galaxy discovered Astronomers have discovered a galaxy composed almost entirely of Dark Matter. The galaxy -- Dragonfly 44 – is about 70 thousand light years wide and has about the same mass as our own Milky Way galaxy -- but with far fewer stars – and with some 99.99 percent of its mass composed of dark matter. *New study of time symmetry A new theory to explain why the universe is symmetrical – while time appears to be asymmetrical. The research examines a mysterious effect -- called 'T violation' -- a violation of time reversal symmetry -- which could be the origin of time evolution and conservation laws. *Mystery SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence signal detected Astronomers are trying to determine the cause of a mysterious signal picked up by Russian scientists involved in the SE