Aaron Katsman

Children Are More Than a Line Item on a Budget



Recently, I came across a blog that I found incredibly problematic - one that viewed children solely as financial burdens. While budgeting for additional expenses is reasonable, the prevailing attitude that kids will "ruin retirement plans" or prevent early retirement is sadly misguided. There's more to life than accumulating wealth or retiring early. Children represent the continuity of the human race and provide priceless rewards. So while kids certainly require financial responsibility, don't begrudge the costs. Instead, focus on embracing the joys of parenting, building family legacies, and contributing to society's greater good. The ironic truth is those who narrowly fixate on children's monetary impacts often miss out on life's most rewarding investments. Check out this week's video for more on this important topic. ________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL LINKS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AaronKatsmanLC/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-katsman-655044