The Free Zone W/ Freeman Fly

Jesuit New World Order – Johnny Cirucci



Is the Vatican in contact with malignant inter-dimesional beings? What are new technologies like CERN and EISCAT doing, opening portals to the Dark Side? Jesuits seek Goldilocks Planets with the help of LUCIFER. Jesuit Guy Consolmagno, lead astronomer for the Vatican, stated “Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a soul.” He made headlines because of this interview, in which he said he would offer to baptize an extraterrestrial being if one requested. Consolmagno has also stated that the Pope and the Vatican are keen on science, and they are kept up-to-date on the latest scientific developments by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Could the Society of Jesus be behind the New World Order? Why did Pope Benedict suddenly quit being Pope? Does it concern you that Pope Francis is a Jesuit? Johnny Cirucci is a career military man exposing the roots of the New World Order in his book Illuminati Unmasked "Most of the facts in Illuminati Unmasked will shock and anger you. Please do not stop