Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E19: Saturn's "Death Star" Moon Hides a Watery Surprise



The Space, Astronomy, and Science Podcast.SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 19*Saturn’s Moon Mimas Hides a Watery SecretMimas, once known merely as the Death Star look-alike, has revealed a startling secret. New research from the Cassini mission data shows that beneath its icy facade, this diminutive moon harbors a youthful subsurface ocean. Only 400 kilometers wide, Mimas's aquatic interior is geologically green, estimated to be a mere 5 to 15 million years old.*Juno's Daring Dance with the Volcanic IoNASA's Juno spacecraft has just grazed past the fiery surface of Io, Jupiter's most volcanic moon. During its intimate encounter, Juno captured the moon's volcanic fury, with plumes reaching into the darkness of space. This mission seeks to uncover whether Io's volcanic vigor stems from a molten heart—an ocean of magma beneath its crust.*Cold Origins of Organic Compounds in SpaceA groundbreaking study has found that certain organic compounds, like those in asteroids, might have originated in the frigid expanses of in