On Air With Ella

022: Work/Life Balance & Other Myths - Kristen Brown



We talk stress, focus, prioritization and how to literally design your best life, plus: •Kristen's journey from new mom who lost her husband, to quitting her corporate job and turning her passion into a business •Stress is inevitable; how we manage it is our choice •How you can use a Life Map to determine what you should focus on •Stress isn’t just bad for your health, it contributes to aging, fat retention and relationship misery •Motion does not equal progress •How multi-tasking and procrastination are sabotaging your purpose Kristen Brown is a renowned speaker, coach, widowed mom, award-winning entrepreneur and bestselling author. SHOW NOTES: The 0-200 show notes were tragically killed, but we're rebuilding at www.onairella.com/blog The conversation continues...join me on Instagram.