David Jackson Productions

Mind Your Business - What's Going On with Childcare in Watauga County?



The ability to access affordable childcare in Watauga County remains as much a part of the conversation around economic prosperity as accessing affordable housing. Even if you don't have a child that requires childcare, chances are you work with someone that does, and workforce reliability remains an important topic for all to consider. Also, from a workforce retention standpoint, employers that remain educated about the opportunities and challenges that staff members are facing when it comes to finding childcare are more likely to retain employees when they align resources and policies in ways that are supportiveOn this week's Mind Your Business, we visit with Virginia Ford and Wes Berry of The Children's Council of Watauga County and Halee Hartley, Owner of Kid Cove, as we discuss the current State of Childcare in Watauga County, and how agencies, businesses, and local government are all working together to improve circumstances for children, their families, and the workforce that drives the