[gospel Remnants] English Youth Fellowship (audio)

Good Seed Sown by Christ in the World



We have heard about Jesus’ parable of seeds, and being one of the long-term believers, we may easily assume that we are the good seeds, the wheat. However, little do we see that we are surrounded by weeds, and constantly influenced by the weeds to the extent of compromising our faith when challenged. Yet, Lord did not give us a weed-free life, He intends for the weed to present, so that He can use it to refine, shape, and grow us for His utmost glory. Are you a wheat or a weed? How about a redeemed weed who is being sanctified by Lord to live a life of wheat, and now struggling to break free from the weed-like characteristics from the past? If so, do not be afraid. Find out the purpose of weed, and guard ourselves against the evil doer who keeps flaming the weed-likeness in us and sowing weed around us. Deter against his attack by also joining God in sowing good seeds in our respective living fields so that we create the blessed spiritual environment to grow stronger as wheat. When the time comes, God wi