Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

747: Francis Hunt: How The Financial System Is In The Process Of A Controlled Demolition



My guest in this episode is Francis Hunt. Francis did his MBA through Bond University Australia and is also known for his Macro Economic views with special reference to the Western Nations sovereign debt situations and the fallout this could cause with reference to Inflation and possible future social upheaval and unrest. The associated Income distribution disparities being amplified have strong potential social consequences. He says he is ‘Suffering from attention to Deficits Syndrome’ as an explanation for his concerns on the Western Worlds sovereign debt position. He has specific opinions on how best for families and individuals to protect their wealth from the fallout I anticipate. ‘You set the nature of society according to the behaviour you incentivise’.  This is one of his maxims and Francis believes short term incentives and powerful insider groups, lobbyists and big corporates have contributed to an imbalanced global community, that represent the few at the expense of the masses. He has spoken about