Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

Bonus Episode: Dave Zook: Tax & Cashflow Efficient Investing



My guest in this episode is Dave Zook. Dave is a successful business owner and an experienced real estate investor active in Multi-Family Apartments, Self-storage, and ATM space. Dave has acquired more than $100 million worth of real estate since 2010. At the time of this writing, he and his investors own approximately 3000 Multi-family Apartment units. Together with his business partner, Dave is a renowned and trusted professional resource in the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) investment market where they have deployed more than $90 million of investor capital and they are heavily invested personally in the ATM space. Today is our 500th episode! Another milestone! I try to celebrate all wins along the way and I will celebrate this milestone by just thanking you for your support of me, of the show and my guests. I deeply appreciate you being on this journey with me with past 3 years. You inspire me and you fuel me and my purpose every day. Interview Links: The Real Asset Investor Episode Sponsors: GoBundance: