Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

038: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday: How To Pay For Your Children's Education Without Sacrificing Your Savings



In this episode, we are looking at how to fund  your children’s and or grandchildren’s college tuition, while maximizing your economic opportunity. There is a strategy that not many people are aware of  when saving and paying for college, and it is actually criminal that people are still forced into cookie cutter Wall Street vehicles and government qualified plans for college planning that parents and grandparents have no control over, have no safety of capital and is extremely economically inefficient as far as taxes and fees. Wall Street recommended products also penalizes students that have monies saved up for their college in these cookie cutter vehicles. We look at an alternative strategy based on the Infinite Banking Concept and philosophy and also look at how the wealthiest families structure trusts that perpetuate the wealth that this strategy enables for generations. Share your thoughts with me on Twitter @mclaubscher and Instagram @cashflowninjapodcast.   Bestselfco., Make Success a Habit! Use the