In Conversation With Ashwin

Episode 6- Movies, stand-up comedy, youtube and Padmavat(i)(feat. Kishen Das)



In casual conversation with film enthusiast Kishen Das. Kishen is a film enthusiast and currently works with film merchandising and movie reviewing company-Fully Filmy. Only 20 years old, Kishen has a great skill base to thrive in the movie world as an actor and beyond. Only a matter of time till he makes it to the box office. We discuss his early childhood, stand-up comedy, why slapstick humour works best with the Indian audience, Kishen's job at Fully filmy, youtube's strength in promoting good content, Kishen's film reviewing guidelines, Merasal, Padmvat and other controversy struck movies. You can find Kishen on- Instagram- Facebook- Twitter- Youtube- Link to Fully Filmy's youtube channel- Show notes- My favourite video of Kishen- Top 10 movies of 2017-