News Report

Thai Cave Survival Story. How the entire world joined the rescue operation



Being stuck in a dark underground cave is a childhood nightmare for every kid. On june 23rd 12 boys belonging to the wild boars football team in Thailand along with their coach went adventuring into a cave near the Thai-Myanmar border. But the weather went bad to worse, the rain came down hard and filled the cave with water, trapping all of them behind a kilometers long maze of passages. It took the entire team to complete the rescue within three weeks. Certainly this Thai story had offered more vision of globalisation. The story of this rescue mission had made the whole world fixed, and together the world celebrated as "One" when everyone were rescued. This is a brilliant reminder of a more collective vision, where countries are ready to hold each other's hand when needed, and prosper by collective HOPE and not combat. Cause hope is a good thing, maybe the best thing and No good thing ever dies.