HALO Talks

Episode #479: Will Coker's Strategies for Fitness Industry Staffing Challenges & Retention



Will Coker emerged as an innovative thinker in the realm of club operations, a field where he's spent 24 years honing his expertise. His journey into entrepreneurship began when the seeds of an idea took root along with his Co-Founders, who held influential positions on advisory councils and boards across various other HALO-sector companies. Coker's role as an operations savant and an informal staffing consultant made him the go-to person for his business-savvy cofounders. These discussions, covering a wide range of issues, hinted at a market need that Coker realized needed to be addressed.  Leveraging his extensive experience and the strategic acumen of his Co-Founders, Coker helped start Fibr, a venture that would capitalize on the gap in club operations staffing and advisory services, setting the stage for what would likely become a dynamic and responsive business solution. Will and his team remain at the forefront of the issues surrounding recruiting in the HALO space, and is ready to steer Fibr to meet t