Beth Ariel La Podcast

What is Israel's Destiny & The Future of Jerusalem? 02-17-24 Tarzana



Beginning from Zechariah 13:7 the prophet provides the reader with 7 stages leading to the restoration of Israel and the Messianic Kingdom. The first stage is the death of Messiah (13:7). It is the Lord who according to his plan and purpose brings about the death of Messiah. He commands the "sword" to strike so as to kill. Previously Zechariah prophesied of a time when Israel would look upon "me" whom they have pierced (12:10). The One Isaiah wrote of whom the Lord "willed to crush and suffer" (Isaiah 53:10) for the sins of his people Israel.In addition the shepherd who is struck is referred to as "my shepherd and "the man who is close to me" (13:7). This Hebrew phrase indicates the shepherd is not merely "close" in the sense of proximity. The meaning is "to be identified with," "just like," "equal to." Zechariah is alluding to the mysterious complex nature of our God. He is one (Deuteronomy 6:4) and yet at the same time plur