Living Springs Q&a

Inverted Orthodoxy #328- AER, Yoga, Restoration, and maybe more!



In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following questions: AER from February 21. Could you clarify your thoughts, are you saying that nothing is happening in the spiritual realm when we praise God on our own or corporately? Is praising God together just to connect with Him? The song this is,”how I fight my battles” means what in your opinion?Feb 1- Wondering what you think about yoga? Is this something Christians should practice? What about the different types (e.g. Bikram, Kundilini, etc.) - are there some Christians should or shouldn’t be involved in? I know many (or all?) of the poses are about spirituality and worshipping false gods, so wondering what you think about Christians and yoga. Thanks.Feb 4 - Hi. My question is around the idea of restoration. So in genesis, thinking about the fall and Adam’s and Eves spiritual separation from God. With Jesus death of the cross, our relationship is restored. Did Jesus restore us to the level of relationship that Adam had with with God,