The Kyle Thiermann Show

#347 Ogilvy On Advertising Book Review with Charlie Hart



You know the guy. He's been coming on this podcast so often these days I should probably call it The Charlie Hart show. He's a brilliant marketing mind who also happens to be my housemate. (Rent's coming soon Charlie, I swear.) This episode was a little different. T'was a book review. We each read Ogilvy On Advertising and discussed it over this podcast. Maybe you don't fancy yourself a "marketer." Maybe that word grosses you out. But this book is really about psychology. It's about how to deliver ideas that change behavior. And whether you're selling a product, a movement, or yourself, these are damn valuable skills. Back to Charlie, (ahem). At age 24, he became the 10th employee at RXBAR, the protein bar company known for its clean branding and "No BS" campaigns. Hart quickly rose to lead the brand’s marketing and growth, helping guide the company to a $600m exit before his 30th birthday. After traveling the world, Hart founded Sign and Sapien - an agency specializing in advising and investing for early and