Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E30: Axion Stars: The Unseen Beacons of Dark Matter Mysteries



The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast.SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 30*Unveiling the Mysteries of Dark Matter with Hypothetical Axion StarsCould the enigmatic axion star hold the key to understanding dark matter? Join us as we delve into the realm of theoretical physics, where scientists are using the expected properties of these never-before-seen stars to potentially pinpoint the elusive components of dark matter. First proposed in 1977, axions are lightweight candidates for dark matter, and their discovery could illuminate both dark energy and the darkest secrets of the cosmos.*Mars: A Barren Aquifer and the Quest for Ancient GroundwaterMars' past as a wet world is etched into its surface, but a new study reveals that ancient Martian aquifers may have been surprisingly dry. Despite evidence of past water flow, researchers suggest that the red planet's southern highlands experienced minimal groundwater recharge. The implications? A vastly different water cycle from Earth's, challenging our search for life