Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E29: Unveiling the Eclipse: A Celestial Dance of Shadows and Light



This episode of SpaceTime is brought to you by Incogni...the new privacy and data protection specialists who work tirelessly for you. To get your special SpaceTime bonus visit The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast.SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 30*Discovery of a Short-Period Brown Dwarf Raises New QuestionsAstronomers have detected a new short-period brown dwarf, NGTS-28 AB, orbiting a red dwarf star 402 light-years away. This brown dwarf completes an orbit in a mere 30 hours, challenging our understanding of stellar evolution and the fine line between massive planets and the smallest stars. Join us as we delve into the significance of this discovery and what it reveals about the mysterious inhabitants of the galaxy's dark corners.*North America Prepares for a Total Solar Eclipse SpectacleNorth America is set to be plunged into darkness with a total solar eclipse on April 8. As the moon's shadow races across the continent, NASA is seizing the opportunity to study how eclipses affe