Donny And The Machine

Weckmethod Training Philosophy with Chris Chamberlan #185



Danny and Chris discuss the Weckmethod and its focus on efficient movement for overall health. iPhone describes a 6-8 hour course teaching fundamental principles of movement, including the importance of weight transfer and hitting the right positions. They emphasize the importance of aligning with core values and paying attention to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being for long-term health and wellness performance. Sign Up For Course: July 12,13,14 Level 1 - RMTS - Friday July 12th 9:00am to 4:00pm - 20% OFF Promo - RMTEXCL20 Level 2 - WMQ - Sat/Sun July 13th&14th 9:00am to 4:00pm - 20% OFF Promo - WMQEXCL20