Life Well Dunn Podcast

Episode 45: Pulling back to go forward with Pat Kennedy



Is there a person or people in your life that when they speak, you stop everything to listen? Then, make sure you dive into this episode. I had the pleasure of sitting down with a great friend and even better human-being, Pat Kennedy. Pat has been a really special person to me, knowing when to coddle me, and when to set me straight. I look up to Pat for the way he carries himself as a man. Albeit margarita induced, this episode has range. Pat takes us into the journey of making a decision to go to work WITH his wife, cut ties with the career he's tirelessly work in for years, and start living life out of an RV! We talk about what it means in these situations for a man, the ego, and how he's been able to navigate these emotions and feelings. We rap about what investing in yourself truly means, and why we care what people think. Pat, to me, is a version of a man that the rest of the world can identify with and is worthy of being led by. Be sure to check this episode out, subscribe, rate and leave a rev