Tiki Central Canada

Episode 90: Episode 93: Mark's Adventures goes to Hawaii , part 1



HI guys,So, I know we are cutting it close for the year end to jam a few more shows in for you. This special episode (this is part one of 2) is about Mark's adventures to Hawaii. He finally went back to the oasis he knew so many years ago and re-visited a few places and checked out some new ones as well. He tried out 30 Mai Tai just for research. I know the things he will do for our listeners, what a trooper!!This episode we will talk about two cocktails he experienced there on his journeys: Sand and Sea Cocktail from Rumfire bar and High Maka Mai Tai which I saw in some of the pictures of menus he sent back to me as I enjoyed our cold (burr) weather here. We figured we give you two drinks and one of course has to be a version of Mai Tai which seems to be the Hawaiian trade mark of drinks. We will go further into that in part 2.On Mark's adventures segment, we will be discussing the bar called "La Mariana Sailing Club" which started back in the 50's! Yes, that long it has been around and thank god we see tiki