Tiki Central Canada

Episode 91: Episode 90: Lost Tapes with Paola and Justin's adventures to Hawaii, part 2



Hey guys,So we are continuing on our talks with Paola and Justin on their great adventure to Hawaii..Sorry the intro is the same as part one as we only recorded one intro and then decided to split the show into two. But it is worth hearing again. Mark is not a tiki expert according to him just someone who drinks a lot LOL (running joke). And Paola will finally say who our special guests is...Justin!!!On this episode, we will be talking about Justin's favorite drink he had which is the Big Island Iced Tea (a spin off of a traditional Ice Tea cocktail which we will be covering soon). He explains to use the significance of the name to the drink and the islands. Justin also talks about the many Mai Tai's he tried and which one was his favorite. After hearing the ingredients, my mouth watered but sadly we can make it here in North America due to a ingredient special grown in Hawaii only.We get into the Hilton Resort they stayed at and some of the pluses and minus of the resort. I think either way its oasis and wil