Tiki Central Canada

Episode 84: Episode 84: Christmas Show and Shooters!!!



Hey Guys,Yes we squeezed in our last show of the year...Christmas!!! What a year and we want to thank all of loyal listeners who hanged in there with us through this rough year and we wasn't able to do as many shows as we wanted. But next year, right!!!Surprise for all your loyal listeners from way back...Cameron visits the studio and gives his input on the drinks today since Santa (me wink wink) dropped off a care package to his house. By the way, apparently Cameron likes to be in a onesie enjoying his morning tea outside in the morning LOL!!!Ok, so this is our Christmas show and we are going to talk about shooters. No not guns and ammo shooters but shots. Now, you maybe be asking, Craig is shooters tiki? well no there are not!! In fact, in my research and Mark's knowledge that most tiki bars don't have shooters on the menu. So why are we doing shooters? Well, this time of year and finally this year we was able to have company Christmas parties or friends get togethers...and one of the first things I get ask