Tiki Central Canada

Episode 80: Episode 80: Tiki Trivia show for 2021



Hey guys, Not our normal show as there are no drinks but I did put a Craig's Creation cocktail on our site just in case you was in a mood for a new cocktail. This is our annual trivia show where we see if our tiki panel (Paola and Mark) and you was listening to our show all year long and made some notes and this year is just as challenging as the past years.Topics like the Cosmopolitan cocktail, Grog, Mint Julep, Day of the Dead, Don the Beachcomber, Mariano Lucudine, Harry Yee, Cinco de Mayo and so much more...We will help you this year with a hint of what episode each question came from and the cocktail of that show. So, print off the trivia sheets and see if you have what it takes to be tiki god and year champion of trivia. (NOTE: answers are upside down at the bottom of that page). By the way, check out past year's tiki trivia shows as well and see if you know the answers to those ones as well...Triva page link: https://tikicentralcanada.ca/tiki-trivia/By the way, there is no prize for winning but make yo