Tiki Central Canada

Episode 77: Episode 77: Black Tot/International Day and Sea Shanties



Hi guys,So this show is close to my heart in many ways! Yes, it's tiki and I'm the tiki guy but also we are going to talk about International Rum Day (August 16th) and Black Tot (July 30th 1970) which just pasted. We will also have drinks of course...what is a show without drinks...hmmm..Cosmos maybe (yeah I like the show too Ok). No, we will also be talking about Sea Shanties which for me brings me back to family home turf of Nova Scotia. Why and what is a Sea Shanty? Well, you have to listen now won't ya!!!So, drinks for this show is a classic Grog and Bahama Mama! But, Craig, we know these drinks and you have done them before....well with a new twist from our good folks at Pusser's British Navy rum and their website we given them a new look!!!So what is Black Tot day and what does it mean?? Well, you have to go back to 1655 (yeah that far back when the British Navy took over Jamaica and realized that they had this amazing supply of rum and so it became a staple and essential item on their ships which event