Life Well Dunn Podcast

Episode 40: Mental Shift with Rob Scott



Welcome back! On this episode of Life Well Dunn, Brian is joined by Rob Scott, an expert in helping you shift your mindset. Rob is an expert in helping you change your identity by breaking through, changing, and literally evolving your consciousness. Rob calls out Brian for a few of the ways he thinks and helps him get straight and challenge the lenses in which Brian is viewing himself. Rob really gives us so much to look at for ourselves, starting with mastery of self and understanding/changing the lenses in which we view ourselves. You definitely won't want to miss this is you're struggling to shift your mindset so you can finally lose weight, upgrade to that $100k lifestyle, or succeed at whatever you've been saying you wanted to. Give this a listen! And, be sure to check out Rob's work at or on Instagram @realrobscott You can also find Brian on Instagram @lifewelldunn Enjoy the episode, and thanks for listening!