Tiki Central Canada

Episode 74: Episode 74: Tiki Jukebox show (part 2)



Hey guys,So here is part two of the tiki jukebox show for this year. We only did 10 songs like last year as there was so many we could have gone on for hours. Craig's playlist is the calypso music and let's get the party started near the pool!! (Paola calls it Cancun party music....Mark's playlist is the traditional tiki exotica music we come to hear when you hit those tiki bars and escape from reality...ahh the bars!!!So if you are having people over (yes, we finally get to do that now) then check out our tiki jukebox page and we have all the links to our Spotify playlists for you (even Paola contributed this year).So my playlist has some of the following artist: Daddy Yankee, Ricky Martin, Camila Cabello and many others.Mark's playlist has some of the following artist: Gold Dust Lounge, The Flaps, The Hula Girls and many others.So here are the links to the playlist website:https://tikicentralcanada.ca/tiki-jukebox/So get your cold tiki beverage ready and enjoy some amazing music!!To subscribe to our show or