Life Well Dunn Podcast

America Today with Cam Brown



Welcome back! Cam Brown, owner of CrossFit HCS in Ferndale, Michigan joins me today. Cam joins me to talk about the current state of America, on the heels of the murder of George Floyd. Cam, a black man, give his experiences, and allows me to ask questions to become more educated about where the system the people are coming up short on the topic of racism and equality. Cam does an amazing job of educating me from his experience, and allowing me to ask questions to clear up some of my confusion. This is all a gift and a curse. We can all do better. Right now, in this country, and the world, we need to do a better job of creating love and support, rather than hate and segregation. It's always frustrating when you record podcasts, a lot of times, the best conversations happen when you're not recording. The good news it, this is a start. There's so much more to talk about, to ask about, to evolve with, but this is a start. It's not all inclusive, but it's a step in the right direction. My, and Cam's goal, was to