Tiki Central Canada

Episode 66: Episode 66: Myrtle Bank Cocktail



Hey guys,Welcome and we are so glad to give you another tiki adventure for this winter season. This episode is recorded via internet since we have gone into another lockdown but still want to entertain you with cool facts, stories and of course cocktails.On this episode we talk about the Myrtle Bank Cocktail which is a created at Myrtle Bank Hotel in Jamaica. This location is near the old Port Royal area of the island which is where Captain Morgan was staying. He was made governor of the island and later died as well at age of 53 years old. Only after a few months of his death, there was a huge earth quake and Port Royal broke off and went into the sea never to seen again. Jamaica is looking into building underwater tunnels to have tourist check out the lost city and Captain Morgan's final resting place.This recipe was inspired by Don and Trader Vic's visit to the hotel and both went back to their bars and reversed engineered their own cocktail which ended up on the menus in the 40s. We do have both Trader's