Life Well Dunn Podcast

Episode 22 Starting Your Fitness Journey with Ryan Parr



Welcome back to the Life Well Dunn Podcast! On this episode, Brian is grateful to have Ryan Parr on with him. Ryan is the owner of Bear Bones Strength, currently in Upstate New York. Ryan has been in the fitness industry for the last six years, and has been crushing it! He started as a young martial artist, and has dabbled in the world of powerlifting as well as strongman training. He is a super informative guy, with a ton to offer. Even better than his knowledge is his energy to learn and play, and live the best life he can. On this episode, Brian and Ryan talk a bit about starting a fitness journey, and rant in between about life, fitness, and whatever else comes up. It's a conversation that could have gone on for hours, but nevertheless, here's an hour with Brian and Ryan. You can find Ryan on his website, He and his family (wife and 2 year old daughter), are about to hit the road, living out of an RV doing strength seminars, teaching at gyms, and enjoying life one mile at a t