Tiki Central Canada

Episode 46: TIKI JUKEBOX (Mark's and Craig's TOP 10)



Hi Guys,We are hoping everyone is okay and staying home to be safe from the COVID-19 virus. We have something special for you today to help raise your spirits. We have come up with our top 10 list each (Mark and Craig) for you to enjoy while we are stuck at home. We thought of this months ago and finally was able to formulate lists (wasn't easy as we could have made this top 50 or 100). Mark's list will be one type of tiki style which is exotic and mysterious. His music is based mostly on the 50's to the 90's. Craig's list will be the other type of tiki which is the outside with palm trees, beach, and party sounds. You will find both very entertaining!!The show was so long that we had to split it into two parts and so this is part one of the show. Part two will be published next week with also some Spotify links to both our playlists. We will be continuously updating those lists with new songs, so check them out and refresh them when you can. Here is our special page from our website to see part one's songs