Tiki Central Canada

Episode 35: Nelson's Blood Cocktail and Black Tot Day



Hi Folks,Well the summer is over and we are back to work now. Yes :(This episode we will be talking about a cocktail named Nelson's Blood. Why are we drink his blood? Well, there is more to the story then just the drink. We have to start with Pusser's rum (British Navy rum). Why are we talking about this rum and what is its relation to the drink? Pusser's rum was a British royal Navy rum that was portioned out to the sailor from 1655 to 1970 (July 31st to be exact). It was then released to the public (who didn't have access to this prior). Black Tot Day is when the royal navy stopped handing our rations of rum to the sailors. The ships got to technical and the main reason for the ration in the beginning was to deal with hardship and not for drinking. So again...who is Nelson?Admiral Nelson was a killed in battle in 1700's in a colonial war and had requested that his body be put into a cask of Pusser's rum to preserve him for the long journey back to England. The problem was the journey took longer than expect