Tiki Central Canada

Episode 22: Hurricane cocktail (live from Algonquin College, Ottawa)



Hi guys! I hope everyone is enjoying the new year and so this episode we are recording live from the Bartending Program at Algonquin College in Ottawa (this part 1 of 2 at the college). We will be covering the Hurricane cocktail from New Orleans which was created just after prohibition times. We go over the history of the Hurricane cocktail and how did this unique glass become into play? We have Shelley Gibson and Kristy Proulx (present students of the course) joining us and talk about the Bartending program. We go over who Robert Hess is? Curious? Listen and find out!We ask Shelley and Kristy questions concerning what is involved about the program and the fun they have making drinks.In "Did you Know?" segment, we cover some cool details how prohibition started and we all know with not great results. Where's the rum?Oh I almost forgot...we have a February contest going on til February 28th and so go to our website: www.tikicentralcanada.ca and apply! You may just win!!Here are some cool links for the episode: