Tiki Central Canada

Episode 21: Scorpion Bowl (Dan and Mike special guests)



Hey guys,Welcome to 2019. A new year and new episode. Cam is not on this episode as he is skiing the slops of Vancouver (Cam..don't break a leg). We have a few of my regular guests from Earl of Sussex that are filling in for Cam.This episode we talk about Trader Vic's famous cocktail: Scorpion Bowl (His third best seller).Congrats to Shelley Price for winning our December contest!!We talk about this bowl that a group of guests can share and came from the Polynesian traditional tribal bowl (was known as Kava Bowl). It was originally in their culture made from a plant called Kava which like Cannabis which has medical qualities such as boosting your immune system and fight of inflammations, help sleeping and mental awareness. But like every drug, there are some bad side effects such as dry flaky skin; yellowness of skin, finger nails and hair; lung problems; not able to process protein and losing weight. We talk about how tribe's men would consume this drink which would be offered to visiting tribe's men and t