Tiki Central Canada

Episode 9 Bahamas/Bahama Mama



Hey folks, I just flew back from my trip to the Bahamas and man are my arms are tired. Yes that joke is as old as I am!This episode will cover the drink Bahama Mama and a few others from the great Bahamas. There are 700 islands in the Bahamas are we talk about at least three. One, owned by Eddie Murphy (you got not ice cream!) and one by the pigs! What? yes, find out why. The name is from a classic song back in the 30s and no not the Boney M version.Why are Americans drawn to these islands? Find out!Talk about a cool things to check out if you go visit there including the famous Senior Frogs bar. What does the Bahamas flag mean and something hidden in the coat of arms as well.These islands used to be a pirate haven and was home to a famous pirate...find out who!Even James Bond has a significance to these islands with the pigs of course!World famous Atlantis Resort with one of the world's biggest aquariums.In mailbag: how to make a sugar liqueur drink not so sweet! Recipes for the show:Bahama Mama: 1 oz white