Pursue Your Spark

Declutter Your Midlife And Make Room For Joy/ft. Tracy McCubbin #208



We're opening the doors to a world where joy isn't just a feeling but a space we live in. We're talking decluttering with the queen of clean, Tracy McCubbin. Imagine your home, but with breathing room, where every nook cradles peace instead of piled-up papers. That's where Tracy takes us, transforming cluttered caves into serene sanctuaries. So, let's declutter your midlife and make room for you! Tracy's not just any tidying guru; she's a story of transformation. Growing up amidst clutter, she saw first-hand how possessions can overshadow life's true treasures. Her journey from Hollywood's glitzy chaos to the heart of home harmony shows us that change isn't just possible; it's a path to rediscovering ourselves. Diving into the clutter, Tracy reveals it's not about the stuff but what it signifies. It's a mirror to our mental clutter, reflecting deep-seated emotions and unresolved stories. But here's the twist – decluttering isn't just about letting go; it's about uncovering joy, one cleared corner at a t