

How to Evolve as a Business Owner   Take away: The journey of evolving as a founder requires embracing each stage's struggles to develop new skills, rather than rushing ahead; the joy is found in the present moment.   Money Learnings: Money was a source of stress and problems in Scott's family growing up. His dad worked a blue-collar job and his mom worked on and off to make ends meet. He didn't understand finances as a kid, just that money seemed to cause issues. It felt like a "necessary evil" in the background. After accidentally dropping out of high school early, he went to ministry school without money or a job. He had to sell cherished possessions like his guitar just to get by. He learned lessons through mistakes, like quickly burning through $4,000 and bouncing a check. This taught him to track his accounts and not spend recklessly.   Bio: Scott helped start nearly 20,000 new businesses and nonprofits and with his business partner started led their multimillion-dollar business through an exceptional