Hypnosis Everywhere: Ines Simpson And The Simpson Protocol

The amazing Sara Herring



This week a chat with Sarah Herring. Sara like most hypnotists and therapists came to her therapy because of her own experiences with pain and dis-ease. Into what she thought of as a normal life came a crippling illness - that no-one knew how to treat - or label - so they called it fibromyalgia. She was in so much discomfort she could barely move - for days at a time. She changed this all by following a voice that told her to go inside and find healing inside herself This she thought was crazy - but as he began to explore the possibility of this - realised actually the dis-ease was actually her body and mind ( and spirit) reacting to her situation and relationship - which was an abusive one. It was her body 'waking her up' to the situation. And that was the start of her journey.