Hypnosis Everywhere: Ines Simpson And The Simpson Protocol

Hypnosis and Natural Painless Childbirth



This week we chat with Dr Nathalie Fiset - a doctor from Montreal who has some strong views on what the Medical Profession can and cannot do with your health!! Nathalie has a lot of information and delivers it at a break neck speed - I think you might have to listen to this episode at least twice just to process all the info she gives!! Here is a sample of her info : Interestingly, I am a medical doctor who happens to think that we are over-medicated. The consumption of medication is constantly rising and we all know that when we take a pill, there are side-effects associated with it, sometimes creating more problems. I always get concerned when they take a medication off the market because they had unexplained deaths with people on this medication. It is obvious that everyone should have a good doctor that they see regularly. I see modern hypnosis as a complement to medicine.