Hypnosis Everywhere: Ines Simpson And The Simpson Protocol

Hypnosis, Hypnodontics and Broken hearts!!



This week Ines interviews Beryl Comar - a Hypnotist who is an almost compulsive traveller and has taken Modern hypnosis to Africa, the Middle East and Spain. She was the first to conduct mind sciences training in the Arabian Gulf – the first Certified Instructor in NLP, EFT and Hypnosis in the Middle East and East Africa. Beryl has trained with both Richard Bandler and Jerry Kein (among others) so has a diverse and wide experience in all styles of Hypnosis. The show will talk to Beryl about her experiences and travels - but will focus mostly on Beryl's work with Hypnodontics (using Hypnosis in Dentistry) and what she calls Broken Heart Cure - a way of using Hypnosis to move on from bad or broken relationships.