Mosaic Boston

Deeply Rooted



Tyler Burns:Thank you. Thank you, Pastor.Wow, thank you. I've never had so many nice things said about me before. I don't know how to respond to that, but thank you. Thank you. As Pastor Andy mentioned, my name is Tyler. It's the first time that I'm up here without a job title at Mosaic to introduce myself with, so I guess I will just introduce myself as I'm a church planter in Salem, Massachusetts. And whenever I get to preach the word, it is always my honor and my privilege to be able to deliver God's word for all of us today.And before we get started, I have a confession. Even though I am 25% Irish, and even though my son's name is Killian and it's as Irish as it can be, I don't like St. Patrick's Day. Happy St. Paddy's day by the way. I don't like St. Patrick's day, but I do like and I love the man, St. Patrick. And the reason why I don't like the day is because it kind of goes against who the man was. Many of us know who St. Patrick is as the patron saint of Ireland, which is true. But what many people d