Gotham Press

Those Primal Bitches of Knowledge



Looks like Captimus found some wild ones for this episode! A returning MzSuz2u decided to bring a couple of her friends NotTellingASoul and slutttyprinc3ss to educate the Gotham Press. The main topics this episode (if we really stuck to them...): Why do younger men gravitate towards older women? Speak to me online as I was in front of your face. That will get you more conversation. Why get involved in a community? Differences between BDSM and the sex positive world. How can they mesh? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon/FetLife/Discord/Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Spotify/Kandi's Sweet Box: 805-303-1173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Association with JW Paddles Carmilla The First Steel Brat Pacis Thief's Touch