Sales Reinvented

Angela Dunz: Be Passionate on Your LinkedIn Profile, Ep #394



When someone searches for your name in Google, LinkedIn is usually the first result. Take advantage of that opportunity. If you don’t provide someone with a great LinkedIn profile, why would they waste their time on you?  Angela Dunz primarily works with attorneys. And according to the research, 94% of people look at an attorney’s LinkedIn profile before their website. Learn how to make good use of that real estate in this episode of Sales Reinvented.  Outline of This Episode [1:11] Why a compelling LinkedIn profile is important [3:12] Above-the-fold curb appeal is important [6:29] How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn [7:30] Balancing professionalism and personality  [8:56] How often to update your LinkedIn profile  [10:30] Tools to build a better LinkedIn profile [13:20] Angela’s top LinkedIn profile dos and don’ts  [16:07] Focus on what you’re passionate about Resources & People Mentioned ChatGPT Claude Gemini DALL-E Check Your SSI Score Connect with Angela Dunz LinkedIn Badass Connect o